Padastertal circular hiking trail

Description of the walking circuit The starting point of the hike is the small Padastertal car park near St. Wendelin’s chapel. Start your walk along the forest and meadow paths of the “Wasserleitungsweg” on the sunny side (north side) of the Padastertal valley to the portal of the refreshingly cool, 470 m long, illuminated drinking water tunnel and walk through it. Immediately after the exit, you cross the Padasterbach stream. Continue along a forest path, which after a while turns into a narrower meadow path. And now for another special section of the circular trail, up the 105 steps of the steel lattice staircase attached to a rock face, which leads to a viewing platform with an impressive panorama. The trail now descends via a narrow forest path in somewhat steeper, wooded terrain, only to ascend again via another, shorter staircase followed by a 32 m long steel bridge. Steinach am Brenner Siegreith Saxen Wendelinka Deponie P Abbiegung links Richtung Rotes Kreuz Polizei BBT Infocenter Tunnel World Padastertal disposal area Panoramic walking trail Wolf construction site St. Wendelin’s chapel Turn left in the direction of “Rotes Kreuz - Polizei”